PTS & PTR calculator

PTR and PTS Calculator with GST for PCD Pharma Franchise in India

After the imposition of GST by the Government of India, rate calculations for stockists and retailers in Pharmaceutical Industry have become a difficult task. Frequent changes in GST calculations have been experienced and the calculation of the rate of products has become more cumbersome. Do not worry, we have made it simpler for our stockists and retailers to arrive at the rate of any pharma product. Before going forward, it is better to know the terminology being used while calculating the rate of a product. To enlighten our team of stockists & retailers, we explain the terms below:


Price to Retailer. It is the price to be given by the retailer to the stockist. GST is not included in PTR.


Price to the stockist. It is the price at which any pharma company will charge its products from stockists or distributors. GST is not included in PTS


Maximum Retail Price. It is the price to be given by customers at the time of buying any pharma product from a retail pharmacy store. It may be noted that the MRP rate is inclusive of GST. Now, let us proceed with the calculation of rates.

To arrive at the price for the retailer (PTR), we must consider the net margin (including GST) and the factor of GST.

Net Margin = MRP - Retail %
GST Factor = 100 + GST% / 100
PTR = Net margin / GST Factor
Calculation of PTS
PTS = PTR - Stockist %

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